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Long Deans

Long Deans is situated in Bunkers Lane and is a picturesque valley of pasture and old parkland trees of approx 15.5 ha and is managed by the Herts & Middx Wildlife Trust. The upper entrance to this nature reserve is opposite the lower entrance to Bunkers Park. Which means you can combine our two nature reserves into one walk, very popular at the week-end and during the summer evenings, a splendid way to unwind from the stresses of the day.

Identified as a key neutral grassland site in the Hertfordshire Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP), Long Deans Nature Reserve is semi-improved neutral and calcareous grassland, and noted for its grassland floral communities, butterflies, birds and other invertebrates.

The site is home to UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) priority species Common Linnet, Common Bullfinch and Song Thrush (also a Hertfordshire BAP species), and has been designated a County Wildlife Site. Long Deans is also noted for veteran trees, which provide habitat for fungi, invertebrates, hole-nesting birds and bats.

Within the valley bottom are a number of old oak and ash trees which green woodpeckers and kestrels can regularly be seen. The woodland supports a multitude of birds including nuthatches, woodpeckers and sparrow hawks. Foxes and badgers are also active throughout the year.
The woodland is semi-natural in origin with beech and wild cherry trees having been selected to grow in the past. Ash trees have now moved in naturally and there are many young ash saplings.