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Committees & Working Groups

NMPC have one committee (for personnel items), public and press are welcome to attend, however  on occasions this meeting may have to retire to a private session due to the confidential nature of items being discussed. This will usually be noted on the agenda under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 ( NMPC also appoint lead councillors to support the clerk with finance and planning items. There are also a variety of working groups that are set up as a ‘task and finish’ groups to investigate NMPC projects. They are temporary,  non-decision making and will bring recommendations back to be determined by council.

Personnel Committee

The role of the Personnel Committee is to undertake the recruitment of paid Parish Council staff and to coordinate a business recruitment process – drafting job descriptions, responding to applications, assisting with the selection of candidates and arranging interviews.
Our part time Parish Warden – David Drew patrols Nash Mills in order to monitor and look out for safety issues and cleanliness etc in the area. It is also great to have the Parish Warden visible in Nash Mills in case the residents want to raise any issues.  The current Chairman of Personnel is Cllr Michele Berkeley 

Financial Matters

Your Parish Council raises a precept as part of your Council Tax bill to cover the cost of providing local services. Each month the council meet to monitor expenditure against budgets and agree new expenditure. An Annual Report is provided by the Responsible Financial Officer as part of the Annual Parish Meeting in May.

The role of the Council is to ensure the stability of the Parish finances and to budget for events determined by the full Parish Council. Financial matters are covered under full council, however Cllr Grant Kennedy is our lead councillor for this area.

Planning Matters

Nash Mills Parish Council review and discuss all the planning applications that have been received for Nash Mills. These are considered in light of the surrounding area, benefits or otherwise to the Community and neighbours in association with the Dacorum Borough Council Local Plan. The Council then makes their comments known to the relevant Case Officer who has to consider them when reviewing the case. The Council are of course not qualified Planning Officers however they are invited to attend seminars and forums from time to time, and when necessary work closely with the Council Officers. Cllr Alan Briggs is our lead councillor for planning.

AAAAA Working Groups Committees Updated Feb 2025