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Freedom of Information (FOI)

Freedom of Information (FOI)

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) provides public access to information held by public authorities.

It does this in two ways: public authorities are obliged to publish certain information about their activities; and members of the public are entitled to request information from public authorities.

The FOIA gives everyone the right to request any recorded information held by any tier of Government. There is no requirement to explain why the information is being requested. There are no restrictions on age, nationality or where the person making the request lives. There are however a number of exemptions relating to certain categories of information.

Further information can be found on the Information Commissioners Website

NMPC requires that all requests for information are received in writing or by email addressed to the clerk. Please note that any FOI request is governed by legal protocol and therefore  some information may be deemed exempt. Enquires received by other means will not be deemed a formal request and therefore may fall outside of the statutory obligations to respond.

NMPC works in line with its publication scheme to endeavour to ensure that most records are promptly uploaded to the website which will mean that the majority of our records are already held in the public domain and a FOI request may not be required to see that information.

ICO Publication scheme v4 Review March 2021